We are pleased to announce the commencement of our partnership with WLP Systems S.r.l.

WLP Systems S.r.l. is a dynamic Italian company, founded in May 2005, with many years of experience in the environmental engineering sector - planning, designing and manufacturing high-quality, innovative fog generation machines and automation software electronic control systems, designed to solve problems related to air pollution (bad smells, dust, etc.).
Industrial areas are often subject to strict legislation governing odors and particulate matter emissions.
With the development of the industrial sector, the need to find suitable locations for waste and sustainable methods of its management has become an increasingly important and essential issue for every industry. For this reason, there is a constant increase in processing plants that divide the incoming materials into three main categories:
- stone or inert material that can be reused;
- light fraction (paper, plastic, wood, impurities, etc.);
- metal fraction.
During the production, processing, handling, loading, unloading and storage of such materials, it is necessary to limit the spread of dust and unpleasant odors in order to avoid damage to the respiratory system, as well as disagreements with local residents and authorities, especially in urban centers with high population density.
Municipal waste landfills, compost storage and processing sites, tanneries, farms, animal waste synthesis and food processing plants generate huge amounts of miasma, making recycling management very difficult indeed. Sulfur and nitrogen based compounds such as amine, ammonia, mercaptans, hydrogen sulfide, which are formed during the decomposition of organic matter, are the main cause of the unpleasant odors we smell, which negatively affects both the workers operating in the facilities and the people living near such areas.
European directive no. 99/31/CE defines three types of landfills:
- landfill of inert materials;
- landfill for non-hazardous waste (including solid municipal waste);
- landfill for hazardous waste (including ash and scrap from incinerators).
Landfills that store and process inert materials face the same dust problems as mining and crushing raw material production sites.
Even if municipal solid waste is not included in the category of hazardous waste, its storage, handling and processing (shredding) emits a considerable amount of dust of various sizes, which is carried away by the wind far from the point of emission. Not even mentioning bad odors emanating from landfills.
Hazardous waste includes ash and waste from incineration plants. These materials create a huge amount of dust, therefore professional solutions are needed - complex designs of fans and nozzles, which, together with flexible control systems, ensure a safer and cleaner working environment for the operator.
Having combined their knowledge, experience and products manufactured, REPECO, JSC and WLP Systems S.r.l. offer the market complex solutions to problems caused by bad odors and dust:
- using the double-effect bad odor control product with microorganisms "PureAir 3000" developed by REPECO, JSC and high-quality mobile or fixed spraying equipment, produced by WLP Systems S.r.l., that can cover both small and large areas, bad odor will be immediately neutralized, and the odor molecules will be completely destroyed. Taking into account the human and environment friendly, ecological composition of “PureAir 3000“, this innovative and efficient solution can be used in a wide range of industries.
- using dust binding products developed by REPECO, JSC and dust suppression systems, produced by WLP Systems S.r.l., that can cover both small and large areas, you can significantly improve air quality and visibility in landfills, truck and heavy vehicle work areas, as well as in transit, allowing workers to perform any activity faster and safer. In addition, this solution reduces wear and tear on the work vehicle, which would occur due to accumulated dust or the use of incorrect products that promote rusting of the equipment.
Take advantage of the opportunity not only to reduce or completely eliminate the problem you have encountered, but also to optimize certain processes in order to improve the efficiency of your activities!
Wish to buy/learn more? Contact us!